
Personality of Mine

My personality according to western zodiac:
"... intelligent, patient, and humble. ... quick-thinking, observant, and analytical."

My personality according to western zodiac on my birth date:

"... have great self-control and use their energies for valuable achievement. They are serious and mysterious and go about their lives with quiet precision. They only trust those closest to them and may discreetly promote themselves as enigmatic, even eccentric."

My personality according to the 12 zodiac animals (shio):

"Honest, simple, gallant, sturdy, sociable, peace-loving, patient, loyal, hard-working, trusting, sincere, calm, understanding, thoughtful, scrupulous, passionate, intelligent. He/she can be naive, over-reliant, self-indulgent, gullible, fatalistic, and materialistic."

My personality according to my blood type:

"... outgoing, and very social. They are initiators, although they don't always finish what they start. Creative and popular, they love to be the center of attention and appear very self confident."

My personality according to my favorite color:

"... outgoing, aggressive, vigorous and impulsive. …usually optimistic and can’t stand monotony; they are rather restless and not at all introspective, so they may be unaware of their own shortcomings. They find it hard to be objective and may blame others for any mishaps. This color is usually chosen by people with open and uncomplicated natures, with a zest for life."

Does it seem like I own all of the adjectives in the world? I won’t claim my personality is exactly the same with things mentioned above.

For me, it’s your choice to be like those description or not. People have their own thoughts, don’t they? Reading the descriptions about our personalities based on some particular bases is a matter of choice, definitely. Be it or be not.

And, doesn’t the word “personality” come from the Latin’s word “persona” which means “mask”? It means, we use mask every time. What be called as our personality is the mask we often use in front of particular person. That’s the reason why Mr. A can have a different description with Ms. B about my personality. Because there’s a possibility that I enjoy wearing this “mask” in front of Mr. A and wear the other “mask” when interacting with Ms. B.

Or, it may because I am an outgoing person myself.

- edited at 09092008 -

Western zodiac: www.people.howstuffworks.com
12 zodiac animals: www.wikipedia.org
Blood type: www.bellaonline.com
Color: www.care2.com

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