Sehari atau dua hari lalu, MetroTV memberitakan tentang Jusuf Kalla yang sedang berkampanye untuk partai yang dipimpinnya, Golkar. Yang membuat kemarahan saya naik ke ubun-ubun adalah ketika label berita dimunculkan.
"Wakil Presiden berkampanye, bla bla bla ...."
Maaf, saya tak lagi membaca kalimat itu dengan lengkap karena klausa Wakil Presiden sudah sangat menarik perhatian saya.
Karena, Saudara, itu adalah PELABELAN JABATAN YANG SALAH!
Jusuf Kalla ada di sana untuk menjalankan jabatan dan perannya sebagai KETUA GOLKAR, bukan sebagai WAKIL PRESIDEN. Beliau tidak sedang menjalankan tugas kenegaraannya, melainkan perannya sebagai seorang ketua partai.
Mengapa MetroTV melakukan itu?
Karena GOLKAR?
Karena Surya Paloh?
Tidak ada check dan re-check sebelum video disiarkan?
Kurang edukasi jurnalisme dan editoial pada editor video?
Apa pun alasannya, ini sudah menambah daftar kekecewaan saya terhadap MetroTV.
Jason Mraz & Epik High
I can't help this. I have the urge to post this photo here. I take it out from Epik High's official website.
Diurno should've known that I am a big fan of Jason Mraz. (Am I allowed to be narcissist, saying that I am his biggest fan in Indonesia?).
I also have other most favorite. A Korean hip hop trio: Epik High, composed of Tablo, Mithra Jin, and DJ Tukutz. I never mentioned them before, but once a while I quoted their song's lyric and post them in this blog's side bar.
That's why .... I just can't help it when I found this picture in Tablo's blog at their website. This was taken when Mraz came to Tablo's radio show.
Hopefully they are planning on a collaboration!
- I know none of my fellow bloggers will comment here. :)
- Apparently, the after effect of Mraz's concert is still there. :P
Diurno should've known that I am a big fan of Jason Mraz. (Am I allowed to be narcissist, saying that I am his biggest fan in Indonesia?).
I also have other most favorite. A Korean hip hop trio: Epik High, composed of Tablo, Mithra Jin, and DJ Tukutz. I never mentioned them before, but once a while I quoted their song's lyric and post them in this blog's side bar.
That's why .... I just can't help it when I found this picture in Tablo's blog at their website. This was taken when Mraz came to Tablo's radio show.
left to right:
someone (I was mistaken thinking this guy was Mithra), Tukutz, Tablo, Jason Mraz (wearing a fedora!), Toca Rivera (Mraz's partner)
someone (I was mistaken thinking this guy was Mithra), Tukutz, Tablo, Jason Mraz (wearing a fedora!), Toca Rivera (Mraz's partner)
Hopefully they are planning on a collaboration!
- I know none of my fellow bloggers will comment here. :)
- Apparently, the after effect of Mraz's concert is still there. :P
Tuk Bayan Tula, Musashi, dan Pendekar Tak Bernama
Apa kesamaan tokoh Tuk Bayan Tula di buku Laskar Pelangi dengan samurai legendaris Musashi?
Mereka berdua telah sampai di level tertinggi di pencarian mereka. Level itu ditempati oleh filosofi mendasar yang sering dianggap sepele.
Bagi Tuk Bayan Tula, sang sesepuh kemistisan, pencapaian tertinggi itu adalah "memberikan jalan keluar yang tidak mistis sama sekali." Masih ingat dengan isi kertas yang Tuk berikan kepada Societeit de Limpai itu, 'kan?
Sementara bagi Musashi, samurai yang menguasai jalan pedang, pencapaian itu adalah "bertarung tanpa pedang."
Seperti juga pendekar tak bernama yang diperankan oleh Jet Li di film Hero arahan Zhang Yimou. Jet Li, yang telah mendapat kesempatan untuk membunuh kaisar yang dianggap bertanggung jawab terhadap masalah masyarakat, akhirnya mengurungkan niatnya. Bagi Jet Li, kematian Sang Kaisar bukannya menyelesaikan masalah, namun akan memperumit keadaan. Perubahan rencana ini pun membuat Jet Li gugur sebagai the Nameless Hero.
Pencapaian tertinggi bagi Nameless Hero itu adalah ketika dia menyadari kematian tokoh antagonis bukanlah jalan keluar terbaik. (Ini adalah alasan kenapa saya tidak suka sinetron, film, atau buku yang mengakhiri ceritanya dengan kematian tokoh antagonis.)
Teringat satu waktu ketika saya dimarahi oleh guru SD saya. Ketika itu saya terlibat perkelahian fisik dengan salah seorang siswa di sekolah saya. Guru saya itu - yang tahu kalau saya ikut latihan karate - menasihati saya dengan kalimat, "Hanya orang yang pengetahuannya tanggung yang akan pamer. Kalau dia sudah pintar, dia tidak akan pamer. Dengan sendirinya kepintarannya itu akan diketahui oleh orang lain."
Saya tidak pernah tahu bagaimana level tertinggi yang bisa saya capai bila saya meneruskan latihan karate saya itu. Saya berhenti di saat saya masing "tanggung".
Mereka berdua telah sampai di level tertinggi di pencarian mereka. Level itu ditempati oleh filosofi mendasar yang sering dianggap sepele.
Bagi Tuk Bayan Tula, sang sesepuh kemistisan, pencapaian tertinggi itu adalah "memberikan jalan keluar yang tidak mistis sama sekali." Masih ingat dengan isi kertas yang Tuk berikan kepada Societeit de Limpai itu, 'kan?
Sementara bagi Musashi, samurai yang menguasai jalan pedang, pencapaian itu adalah "bertarung tanpa pedang."
Seperti juga pendekar tak bernama yang diperankan oleh Jet Li di film Hero arahan Zhang Yimou. Jet Li, yang telah mendapat kesempatan untuk membunuh kaisar yang dianggap bertanggung jawab terhadap masalah masyarakat, akhirnya mengurungkan niatnya. Bagi Jet Li, kematian Sang Kaisar bukannya menyelesaikan masalah, namun akan memperumit keadaan. Perubahan rencana ini pun membuat Jet Li gugur sebagai the Nameless Hero.
Pencapaian tertinggi bagi Nameless Hero itu adalah ketika dia menyadari kematian tokoh antagonis bukanlah jalan keluar terbaik. (Ini adalah alasan kenapa saya tidak suka sinetron, film, atau buku yang mengakhiri ceritanya dengan kematian tokoh antagonis.)
Teringat satu waktu ketika saya dimarahi oleh guru SD saya. Ketika itu saya terlibat perkelahian fisik dengan salah seorang siswa di sekolah saya. Guru saya itu - yang tahu kalau saya ikut latihan karate - menasihati saya dengan kalimat, "Hanya orang yang pengetahuannya tanggung yang akan pamer. Kalau dia sudah pintar, dia tidak akan pamer. Dengan sendirinya kepintarannya itu akan diketahui oleh orang lain."
Saya tidak pernah tahu bagaimana level tertinggi yang bisa saya capai bila saya meneruskan latihan karate saya itu. Saya berhenti di saat saya masing "tanggung".
From Mraz's Concert
For those who have been waiting ... here a bit story about Jason Mraz's concert in the first day of 2009 Java Jazz Festival, March 6th. If you want to know about the detail of the concert, please don't expect much, since this story is mostly about me. This took days to be written because I didn't want to over-expose my ecstasy here.
The concert would be begun at 0645 pm, so I took an ojek in a hurry as soon as the clock ticking at five sharp. Traffic jam made me spending approximately an hour by motorcycle from Pecenongan to Jakarta Convention Center, Senayan (and IDR50.000 from my pocket.)
I thought I could get a good spot inside the concert hall, but ... there I stood in a line. And it was a long line. I waited for half an hour till I reached the entrance (mini) gate.
Then, my usual problem popped up. I didn't know the direction, even though it wasn't my first time being inside the JCC. "Ah, where to go?" But the question only stayed seconds in my mind because I saw a man with fedora on his head. I challenged myself to follow this unidentified man, and I did it. From the opposite direction, another fedora went to the same direction with the first man. "Ah, this must be the right one," I ensured myself.
How could be? Because one of Mraz’s characteristic is often wearing fedora. (Fans don't have a personal identity, do they? That's why Beckham's jersey is always on the top sales.)
When I entered the Convention Hall B, I was surprised. I saw thousands people. Kompas wrote in the next day, the concert was attended by around 8000 people. Wow! For someone who is recognized here just by his last album, that is freaking awesome!
While the MC saying crap on the stage (OK, it wasn't crap, but ... I didn't hear any word), I struggled to go to the front. And when Mike Indonesian Idol (ooh ... I thought he didn't exist anymore!) was singing Indonesia Raya, I gave up trying to reach the avant garde. (Indonesia Raya? Two thumps up for the committee!)
Considering my position, my only 5'1" height, and the fact that I was surrounded by taller people, I couldn't see even Mraz's fedora when he sang the first song that evening (Make it Mine from his latest album). Right after he started singing Remedy, I remembered the reason why I was there: listening to him singing live and jamming with his super band. The teenagers' screaming just ruined Mraz's song inside my head.
When he inserted Oasis' Wonderwall to Remedy, I was on my way climbing to an around 1,7m height mini stage where a cameraman and some photographers are about. And, when Remedy is finished, I was sitting comfortably, happily, and arrogantly on that mini stage. I could see Mraz clearly, no teenagers screamed right to my ears or jumped around, and I got enough oxygen since my feet were parallel with the audience's heads. Yup, I got a great spot! :D
I enjoyed the one hour concert. There was a choice of not going to the concert, but I knew that I would never considered other option as an option since the first time I watched U and I Both in JakTV, back in early 2005. Linkin Park held a live concert at Ancol when I was in my highest phase of idolizing them. Backstreet Boys, whom I love since my teen, came here for the 2nd time. But, for both of them, I chose the "not go" option, simply because I considered it as an option.
About Mraz ... I idolize him for being a great singer and motivator. Instead of admiring his appearance (a characteristic of boysband lovers like myself – and not that his is bad), I praise his musical and composing quality. And to think that others usually agree with me, I bet I have done my job objectively.
Besides being directed by fedoras, I also had other two laughable experiences.
Mraz is famous in Indonesia since his third album became a hit, started from I'm Yours, continued by Lucky and Make it Mine. So, I smiled a lot when just a few sang along with songs from his old albums, such as Belle Luna and No Stopping Us. More than a half sang Remedy and U and I Both (perhaps due to the fact that each has a video clip). And everyone sang almost every song from the latest one. Ouh, I bet you would have a big grin when hearing the teenage fans' jealousy screaming when Mraz hugged Dira, the replacement singer of Colbie Caillat for Lucky. :D
The second is the light from every camera, whether handy or cell. One of my friends said that it's the difference between eastern and western audience: Westerns enjoy watching the performances while Easterns enjoy recording them. :))
The best moment is when Mraz repeated the "You are the best" part from The Dynamo of Volition and took time to point every part of the audiences. Perhaps my only disappointment is that he didn't sing all of his songs. Yeah, I am a greedy fan.
And here is the best picture I could get. “See, I’ve told you about the fedoras, videos, and my position!” :D
The concert would be begun at 0645 pm, so I took an ojek in a hurry as soon as the clock ticking at five sharp. Traffic jam made me spending approximately an hour by motorcycle from Pecenongan to Jakarta Convention Center, Senayan (and IDR50.000 from my pocket.)
I thought I could get a good spot inside the concert hall, but ... there I stood in a line. And it was a long line. I waited for half an hour till I reached the entrance (mini) gate.
Then, my usual problem popped up. I didn't know the direction, even though it wasn't my first time being inside the JCC. "Ah, where to go?" But the question only stayed seconds in my mind because I saw a man with fedora on his head. I challenged myself to follow this unidentified man, and I did it. From the opposite direction, another fedora went to the same direction with the first man. "Ah, this must be the right one," I ensured myself.
How could be? Because one of Mraz’s characteristic is often wearing fedora. (Fans don't have a personal identity, do they? That's why Beckham's jersey is always on the top sales.)
When I entered the Convention Hall B, I was surprised. I saw thousands people. Kompas wrote in the next day, the concert was attended by around 8000 people. Wow! For someone who is recognized here just by his last album, that is freaking awesome!
While the MC saying crap on the stage (OK, it wasn't crap, but ... I didn't hear any word), I struggled to go to the front. And when Mike Indonesian Idol (ooh ... I thought he didn't exist anymore!) was singing Indonesia Raya, I gave up trying to reach the avant garde. (Indonesia Raya? Two thumps up for the committee!)
Considering my position, my only 5'1" height, and the fact that I was surrounded by taller people, I couldn't see even Mraz's fedora when he sang the first song that evening (Make it Mine from his latest album). Right after he started singing Remedy, I remembered the reason why I was there: listening to him singing live and jamming with his super band. The teenagers' screaming just ruined Mraz's song inside my head.
When he inserted Oasis' Wonderwall to Remedy, I was on my way climbing to an around 1,7m height mini stage where a cameraman and some photographers are about. And, when Remedy is finished, I was sitting comfortably, happily, and arrogantly on that mini stage. I could see Mraz clearly, no teenagers screamed right to my ears or jumped around, and I got enough oxygen since my feet were parallel with the audience's heads. Yup, I got a great spot! :D
I enjoyed the one hour concert. There was a choice of not going to the concert, but I knew that I would never considered other option as an option since the first time I watched U and I Both in JakTV, back in early 2005. Linkin Park held a live concert at Ancol when I was in my highest phase of idolizing them. Backstreet Boys, whom I love since my teen, came here for the 2nd time. But, for both of them, I chose the "not go" option, simply because I considered it as an option.
About Mraz ... I idolize him for being a great singer and motivator. Instead of admiring his appearance (a characteristic of boysband lovers like myself – and not that his is bad), I praise his musical and composing quality. And to think that others usually agree with me, I bet I have done my job objectively.
Besides being directed by fedoras, I also had other two laughable experiences.
Mraz is famous in Indonesia since his third album became a hit, started from I'm Yours, continued by Lucky and Make it Mine. So, I smiled a lot when just a few sang along with songs from his old albums, such as Belle Luna and No Stopping Us. More than a half sang Remedy and U and I Both (perhaps due to the fact that each has a video clip). And everyone sang almost every song from the latest one. Ouh, I bet you would have a big grin when hearing the teenage fans' jealousy screaming when Mraz hugged Dira, the replacement singer of Colbie Caillat for Lucky. :D
The second is the light from every camera, whether handy or cell. One of my friends said that it's the difference between eastern and western audience: Westerns enjoy watching the performances while Easterns enjoy recording them. :))
The best moment is when Mraz repeated the "You are the best" part from The Dynamo of Volition and took time to point every part of the audiences. Perhaps my only disappointment is that he didn't sing all of his songs. Yeah, I am a greedy fan.
And here is the best picture I could get. “See, I’ve told you about the fedoras, videos, and my position!” :D
Photo story: Ragunan
Setelah hampir 7 tahun tinggal di Jakarta, akhirnya saya menginjakkan kaki juga di Kebun Binatang Ragunan bersama dengan dua kakak sekos saya. Bagusnya, saya masih pegang kamera SLR yang saya pinjam dari kantor untuk menonton konser Jason Mraz dua hari sebelumnya.
Banyak pemikiran yang timbul saat melihat hewan-hewan itu.
Buat saya, gorilla ini adalah bintang utamanya. Adrenalin menaik saat melihat si gorilla keluar dari goanya.
Pandangan pertama pada macaque ini mengingatkan saya pada primata-primata kecil yang ditemui oleh Pi di pulau karnivora dalam buku "Life of Pi" karangan Yann Martel. I don't even know why. Nama hewan yang ditemui Pi itu adalah meerkat.
Bahkan saya tetap tersenyum sewaktu menulis ini.
Ada dua cara bagi para hewan di Ragunan untuk mendapatkan makanannya:
(a) Tinggal di dalam wilayah masing-masing dan menjadi hiburan bagi spesies manusia. Konsekuensinya, para hewan sebaiknya duduk diam saja, tidak melakukan gerakan-gerakan yang membuat spesies Homo sapiens merasa terancam.
(b) Dijadikan sebagai angkutan internal. Konsekuensinya, hewan tersebut tidak boleh duduk diam jika masih ingin mendapatkan makanannya.
Apa kesamaan manusia dengan para hewan penghuni Ragunan? Mereka membiarkan pihak lain membereskan sampah-sampah mereka. Belum lagi pertunjukan adegan "serasa dunia adalah kamar kami" yang ditunjukkan oleh beberapa pasangan. Ah, itu seperti pasangan singa yang saya lihat sedang melakukan intercourse di depan para pengunjung.
P.S: Dihitung-hitung, perjalanan kami ke Ragunan itu hanya menghabiskan Rp 20.000/orang (termasuk ongkos angkutan umum pulang-pergi).
Can't wait to go there again. :)
Banyak pemikiran yang timbul saat melihat hewan-hewan itu.
Buat saya, gorilla ini adalah bintang utamanya. Adrenalin menaik saat melihat si gorilla keluar dari goanya.
Pandangan pertama pada macaque ini mengingatkan saya pada primata-primata kecil yang ditemui oleh Pi di pulau karnivora dalam buku "Life of Pi" karangan Yann Martel. I don't even know why. Nama hewan yang ditemui Pi itu adalah meerkat.
Ternyata kancil itu begini, ya .... Hampir 26 tahun saya hidup, bayangan saya tentang kancil adalah hewan yang mirip kelinci. It's never too old to learn something new, isn't it?
Bahkan saya tetap tersenyum sewaktu menulis ini.
Ada dua cara bagi para hewan di Ragunan untuk mendapatkan makanannya:
(a) Tinggal di dalam wilayah masing-masing dan menjadi hiburan bagi spesies manusia. Konsekuensinya, para hewan sebaiknya duduk diam saja, tidak melakukan gerakan-gerakan yang membuat spesies Homo sapiens merasa terancam.
(b) Dijadikan sebagai angkutan internal. Konsekuensinya, hewan tersebut tidak boleh duduk diam jika masih ingin mendapatkan makanannya.
Apa kesamaan manusia dengan para hewan penghuni Ragunan? Mereka membiarkan pihak lain membereskan sampah-sampah mereka. Belum lagi pertunjukan adegan "serasa dunia adalah kamar kami" yang ditunjukkan oleh beberapa pasangan. Ah, itu seperti pasangan singa yang saya lihat sedang melakukan intercourse di depan para pengunjung.
P.S: Dihitung-hitung, perjalanan kami ke Ragunan itu hanya menghabiskan Rp 20.000/orang (termasuk ongkos angkutan umum pulang-pergi).
Can't wait to go there again. :)
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